Thursday, October 20, 2011

Create-a-Sim: Making A New Life Without the Woohoo

Creating a Sim life is an engrossing experience.  You're creating a new life without real world repercussions. If they die it was either bad probability, bad game play, due to a Sim's ignorance or cruel intent by the player because their Sim is far too depressed to do anything (I think anyone playing the Sims can relate.)

The best and the first tip of creating a family is if you're playing the game for the first time is DON'T CREATE YOUR REAL WORLD FAMILY.  You might be eager to play things out in the Sims, but you'll most likely murder your family by mistake. Or completely ruin their lives (ie, making them lose their jobs, send their kids to military school, and worst of all start a house fire that destroys your family's property, which would inevitably ruin everything beyond repair).

Above: Guess someone's screwed...

The second best tip is to first create a small family or a single person.  Creating a household of eight people will be overwhelming.   Most likely, everyone will become extremely depressed and things will spiral out of control.

The third tip is too create a Sim that looks like a normal person, not a fictional character.  You might be inclined to download a Darth Vader, Bobba Fett or James Bond but it won't be fun.  Who really wants to see their hero pee themselves, burp or take out the garbage?  The novelty will quickly wear off and you'll most likely lose respect of one of your most admired characters.

And P.S., I would especially recommend to not create a cartoon character.  Homer Simpson or Jack Skellington will most likely creep you out eventually.  And might scare you enough to not play for ages if they die horrific deaths.

Create-A-Sim is an awesome thing.  I should have most likely started with this but I needed to get those warnings out. In Create-A-Sim you can create anything from a grungy Granny, a sexy dame, a handsome dream-man, a total loser and beyond.  Outfits are important because that is what you'll wear all the time.  You can change it up once your in game by going to a dresser or armorer.  But that can be tedious and take time away from your limited Sim hours.

Above: This Sim is just oozing sexy pixels

There are some incredible limitations though.   You really can't create someone obese or stick thing. In general, the Sims will be a standard size.  You can change the body type through Boolprop modding but it's a risky thing.  You must know what you're doing because if you don't you can damage the game beyond repair.  For example, the game may never run again or it could create infinite glitches.

The best advice I have is to create a Sim or Sim family that you'll enjoy playing.  If you're not a family man, don't create kids.  Because Sim children will ALWAYS be children. If you're a loner and like that lifestyle, playing a married couple might grow tiresome. You might find that children and marriage will be the best fit, and if so play away.  And don't forget there is plenty of room in the neighborhood.

So enjoy yourself and take risks, because really wouldn't a Sim do the same?

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